
APPEARANCES on: TVE 1, TVE La 2, TELECINCO, 24hs TVE, TV3, Telemadrid, Intereconomía, 13TV, CanalSur, TPA (Television of the Principality of Asturias), AragónTV, Televisión La Rioja, Popular TV, Teleonuba, Ondamezquita, among other regional and local channels, starring in a weekly program for three consecutive seasons on Telegijón about education, and many more.

Mercedes Milá recommends the book “Todos los niños pueden ser Einstein” (“All Children Can Be Einstein”)

Read Mercedes Milá's Article on her blog

Interview for abc

School can kill the ingenuity of children and teachers

Interview on Canal Sur

Self-esteem; discovering children’s strengths and telling them

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Interview on ‘Familia en Construcción’

Keys to boosting your children’s self-esteem

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Interview for Córdoba Ahora

The most important challenge for children, knowing they are valuable

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Interview on Para todos la 2

We talk about how motivation and an appropriate method can make any child a potential Einstein.

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Interview at SIMO Educación 2013

New technologies can be a great tool for teachers to motivate their students.

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Educating in values on Rtve’s La 2

Our heads, tablets, and smartphones are filled with values, but our lives are very empty.

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Interview on Periodista digital TV

We delve into issues covered in my book “Adolescentes: Manual de instrucciones” such as the importance of communication.

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The Effects of Child Manipulation

Teachers must be well-trained to detect such cases and know how to act.

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Interview on La Aventura del Saber

We must understand that emotions and feelings are different things in order to train our “inner dragon”.

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Interview on Periodista digital TV

We talk about how “Todos los niños pueden ser Einstein” with the right motivation.

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Educating for the Future

Intelligence grows. We don’t learn because we are smart. Rather, we become smart because we learn.

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The Example of Parents in the Digital Context

How a parents’ example affects their children’s behavior and how to mitigate the potential negative consequences of the digital world.

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Interviews in major magazines and newspapers such as El Mundo, El País, ABC, La Vanguardia (including its iconic back cover), La Razón, El Periódico, El Correo, Expansión, El Economista, XL Semanal, El Suplemento, Hola, Yodona, Psychologies, El Mundo Deportivo, Telva, Lecturas, Ser Padres, Hacer Familia, Padres y Colegios, Clara, Pronto, Grupo Joly, La Nueva España, El Comercio, El Hoy, and many other regional, local, and international media outlets.



There have been countless radio appearances. Here is a small selection.


Interview on RNE – 17/04/2023.- La lectura en España PLAY
Interview to the author of ‘Geniales’ – 12/2022  COPE CÓRDOBA PLAY
Interview to the author of  ‘Tú también puedes ser Einstein’ – 07/02/16  ARAGÓN RADIO PLAY
NO ES UN DÍA CUALQUIERA: “Todos los niños pueden ser Einstein” – 11/08/12  RTVE PLAY
LATIDOS DEL MUNDO: “Estimular las capacidades del niño” – 12/02/12  RTVE PLAY
EITB: “Todos los niños pueden ser Einstein” – 09/02/12 play
DE IDA Y VUELTA: “Entrevista a Fernando Alberca” – 18/09/11 PLAY
DE IDA Y VUELTA: “Entrevista a Fernando Alberca” – 18/09/11 PLAY
Adolescencia PLAY
Consecuencias en la adolescencia.PLAY
Cambios en la adolescencia.PLAY
Las amistades en la adolescencia.PLAY
Autonomía y libertad en la adolescencia.PLAY
Crisis en la adolescencia.PLAY
Conflictos en la adolescencia.PLAY
La intimidad en la adolescencia.PLAY