Fernando Alberca has a Doctorate in Pedagogy, Social Sciences, and Juridical Sciences. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Letters, a Master’s Degree in Neuropsychology and Education, a Master’s Degree in Educational and Family Counseling, a Master’s Degree in School Management, a Degree in Anthropology and Affectivity from the University of Málaga. He has been a counselor and secondary school teacher, professor in four autonomous communities, and director of educational centers for 13 years. He is a professor of the Primary Education and Early Childhood Education programs at the Sagrado Corazón Teaching Center of the University of Córdoba (Spain), as well as in the Master’s program of Neuropedagogy, Creativity, and Management of Capacity and Talent at the University of Córdoba, and the Master’s program of School Management at the Villanueva University in Madrid. He is a trainer at the Real Madrid Foundation’s Sport Values Academy. He is Director of the FERNANDO ALBERCA Educational Consultancy, of e=happyCENTER, the Motivation & Method advisory team, the Union of Teachers GTW (Good Teachers for the World), EducaresQuerer–LifeisEducation, the Family & Happiness Opportunities Analysis Committee (FHO), the Observatory of H&T–Humanity & Technology, and Sport&More&Better.
Fernando Alberca de Castro
In addition to scientific articles, edited prologues, and book chapters, he is the author of more than fifteen bestsellers, some of them number 1 in sales in Spain and other countries. Among his books, some of the most notable include:
- 99 trucos para ser más feliz,
- Cuatro claves para que tu hijo sea feliz,
- ¿Quieres casarte conmigo?,
- La enfermedad del amor y las complicaciones del corazón adolescente,
- Guía para ser buenos padres,
- Guía para ser buenos padres de hijos adolescentes,
- Todos los niños pueden ser Einstein (which already has 13 editions and has been translated into Chinese, among other languages),
- Adolescentes Manual de instrucciones,
- Todo lo que sucede importa,
- De Newton a Apple, provoca tu talento,
- Nuestra mente maravillosa, with which he won the VI Award of “Premio de Hoy” in 2013,
- Tu hijo a Harvard y tú en la hamaca (which was also translated into Chinese)
- Tú también puedes ser Einstein y comerte el mundo,
- Aprender a interpretar a un niño,
- Cómo entrenar a su dragón interior,aprender a gestionar las emociones de los hijos
- Hijo, ¡tú vales mucho!, claves para aumentar su decisiva autoestima.
- Pequeños grandes lectores; Un nuevo método para potenciar la capacidad lectora de tu hijo y evitar el fracaso escolar,
- Educa sin estrés; Educar no es tan difícil: quítale estrés a su vida y, de paso, a la tuya,
- El niño que venció a brujas y dragones; Cómo ayudar a tu hijo a superar todas sus adversidades (mayo, 2021).
- Geniales