13ª EDICIÓN y 4ª en libro de bolsillo
222 PÁGS.
ISBN: 978-84-96947-86-3
For parents and educators of boys, girls and adolescents of any age.
Todos los niños pueden ser Einstein
An effective method to motivate intelligence
Albert Einstein did not learn to read until he was seven or speak fluently until he was nine; his teacher called him “deadly dull.” It cost him blood, sweat and tears to access the Polytechnic School… after achieving it and finishing his degree, his doctoral thesis did not make the slightest impression on the court that judged it, in fact they considered it “quite mediocre.” Despite this, Einstein ended up becoming one of the most brilliant scientists in the world, and like him, many geniuses in the most diverse fields were also bad students: Thomas Alva Edison, Graham Bell, Federico García Lorca, Winston Churchill, Pablo R. Picasso, G.J. Mendel, Stanley Kubrick, Steve Jobs…, who are followed by a truly long list.
With All Children Can Be Einstein any parent can find, in an eminently practical way, the keys that lead our children to the triumph of their ability; the adequate motivation that he can make of each child, taking advantage of his qualities, an unrepeatable and brilliant being that helps to progress the society in which he lives, being happy and making many happy. If your child is to think properly, he needs to be taught how to think. If he is to solve problems, he needs to acquire the ability to solve them. If he is to use his brain creatively, he needs to practice intellectual creativity. And for all this he needs sufficient motivation and self-confidence.
- Einstein no sacaba buenas notas
- Como muchos niños hoy
- La inteligencia del ser humano es infinita y adquirida
- Las razones más frecuentes del fracaso y del éxito escolar
- El cerebro de cada uno
- Fácil o difícil
- Gatear de pequeño, moverse y aprender
- La creatividad
- El estímulo
- La motivación
- Esfuerzo+Necesidad=Capacidad
- Las propias actitudes
- La imagen de sí mismo
- Consejos prácticos para mejorar la concentración
- La atención
- Cómo potenciar la memoria
- Evitar el olvido
- Leer mejor
- Aprender a resolver problemas
- El cálculo matemático
- Subrayar bien
- Esquematizar y analizar
- Resumir y comprender
- Fichas de estudio personalizadas
- Tomar notas
- La primera impresión
- Buena ortografía en 5 pasos y 3 meses
- El estrés y la relajación
- Antes, durante y después de un examen importante
- Salud y estudio
- Consejos para decidir los estudios
- Citas de Einstein: el genio dado por lerdo